people ľudia
cofounders zakladatelia
director režisérka / performer performerka
Veronika Malgot
Pôsobila v Divadle elledanse, Štúdiu 12 a Divadle NUDE. Spolu dvadsať inscenácií formálne vystupuje z činohry k tanečným, pohybovým, imerzívnym, site-specific performanciám. Inscenácie boli uvedené na festivaloch na Slovensku aj v Čechách. Malgot získala ocenenie Dosky 2015 v kategórii Objav roka za koncept inscenácie MAMA MA MÁ _
She worked at the elledanse Theater, Studio 12 and NUDE Theater. Together, there are twenty productions that formally perform from drama to dance, movement, immersive and site-specific performances. The productions were presented at festivals in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Malgot received the Dosky 2015 award in the "Discovery of the Year" category for the concept of the production MAMA MA MÁ_
Foto: Ľuboš Kotlár
choreograhper choreograf / performer performer
Michal Heriban
Okrem Bratislavskej divadelnej scény kde pôsobil v divadle elledanse a spolupracoval s divadlami DPM a NUDE, bol súčasťou projektov v Čechách (Lenka Vagnerová & Company, BurkiCOM, 420People, Losers Cirque Company, ND v Prahe, ND v Brne, Move Ostrava) a taktiež od roku 2015 úzko spolupracuje s nemeckým choreografom Michom Puruckerom v Mníchove. V roku 2020, 2022 a 2023 získal nominácie na ceny Thálie v kategórii balet, súčasný tanec a pantomíma.
In addition to the Bratislava theatre scene, where he worked at Elledanse Theatre and collaborated with DPM and NUDE Theatres, he was part of projects in the Czech Republic (Lenka Vagnerová & Company, BurkiCOM, 420People, Losers Cirque Company, ND in Prague, ND in Brno, Move Ostrava) and has also been closely collaborating with German choreographer Mich Purucker in Munich since 2015. In 2020, 2022 and 2023 he was nominated for the Thalia Awards in the ballet, contemporary dance and pantomime categories.
Foto: Tomáš Chlapečka
collaborating artists and people spolupracujúci umelci a ľudia
choreographer choreograf / performer performer
Libuša Čižmárik Bachratá
Vyštudovala na KTT VŠMU, kde pôsobí ako externý pedagóg. Absolvovala flamencové kurzy v Seville, Barcelone, Madride a Jerez de la Frontera. Ako performerka a choreografka pôsobí s divadlom NUDE, Jedným dychom a vo vlastnom subjekte TOCALO. Ako tanečná pedagogička rómskych tancov s Idou Kelarovou a Českou filharmóniou. Spolupracovala s divadelnými režisérmi ako Ondrej Spišák, Zoja Zupková, Jakub Krofta,Ján Luterán, Pavol Viecha a Peter Palík v divadlách po celom Slovensku. Členka skupiny O Gadže Bašaven.
She graduated from KTT VŠMU, where she works as an external teacher. She completed flamenco courses in Seville, Barcelona, Madrid and Jerez de la Frontera. As a performer and choreographer, she works with the Theatre NUDE, Theatre Afterthought and in her own company TOCALO. As a dance teacher of Roma dances with Ida Kelarová and the Czech Philharmonic. She collaborated with theater directors such as Ondrej Spišák, Zoja Zupková, Jakub Krofta, Ján Luterán, Pavol Viecha and Peter Palík in theaters all over Slovakia. Member of the O Gadže Bašaven group.
scenography scénografka
visual director vizuálna režisérka
Laura Štorcelová
Vo svojej tvorbe sa zameriava na presahy medzi a naprieč umeleckými disciplínami. V roku 2017 spolu s Lýdiou Ondrušovou založila nezávislé Divadlo NUDE, kde pôsobí ako art directorka a autorka. Ako scénografka a idea maker spolupracuje s Divadlom DPM. Pre jej divadelnú tvorbu je špecifický čistý a minimalistický rukopis so zameraním na ústrednú vizuálnu tému, ktorá sa v analógiách úzko viaže na obsahovú rovinu divadelných produkcií. Veľká časť predstavení na ktorých participuje využíva site – specific formy ale aj princíp scénickej inštalácie, ktorá sa mení vzhľadom na miesta uvedenia. Ako scénografka a stylistka dlhodobo spolupracuje s fotografkou Máriou Švarbovou. V audiovizuálnej sfére sa orientuje na set design pre reklamy. Laura vyštudovala scénografiu na VŠMU v Bratislave. Absolvovala štúdijný pobyt na escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema v Lisabone.
In her work, she focuses on overlaps between / across artistic disciplines. In 2017, she co-founded the independent theatre company NUDE with Lydia Ondrušová, where she works as an art director and author. As a set designer and idea maker, she collaborates with the DPM Theatre. Her theatrical creations are characterized by a clean and minimalist handwriting with a focus on a central visual theme, which is closely related to the content of the theatrical productions. A large part of the performances in which she participates uses site-specific forms, but also principles of scenic installation that vary depending on the places of presentation. As a set designer and stylist, she has a long-standing collaboration with photographer Maria Svarbova. In the audiovisual sphere, she focuses on set design for advertising. Laura studied set design at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and completed a study stay at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon.
dramaturgy dramaturg
Marek Godovič
Je absolventom Vysokej školy múzických umení v Bratislave v odbore divadelná veda a polonistika a Filmovej a televíznej fakulty Akadémie múzických umení v Prahe v odbore scenáristika a dramaturgia. V priebehu štúdia sa zúčastnil semestrálnych pobytov na Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema v Lisabone a na Jagielońskej Univerzite v Krakove. Ako autor, dramaturg a scenárista spolupracoval na rôznych divadelných a rozhlasových inscenáciách (FAMU, Český rozhlas, RTVS). Dostal sa do finále súťaží Poviedka, Dráma a Artscript. Od roku 2011 pracuje v Divadelnom ústave ako dramaturg v Štúdiu 12. Venuje sa prekladu divadelných hier z poľštiny. V roku 2017 absolvoval doktorandské štúdium na Katedre divadelných štúdií Divadelnej fakulty VŠMU. Recenzie a kritiky publikoval v divadelnom časopise KoD, SME, Tanci, Monitoringu slovenských divadiel, Salte, RTVS či Pravde. Je členom Slovenského centra Asociácie divadelných kritikov. Ako divadelný kritik sa zaoberá súčasnou drámou a súčasným tancom.
He is a graduate of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava in the field of Theatre Studies and Polish Studies, and the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in the field of Screenwriting and Dramaturgy. During his studies, he participated in semestral stays at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon and Jagiellonian University in Krakow. As an author, dramaturg, and screenwriter, he has collaborated on various theatrical and radio productions (FAMU, Czech Radio, RTVS). He has been a finalist in the Story, Drama, and Artscript contests. Since 2011, he has worked as a dramaturg in Studio 12 at the Theatre Institute. He also translates plays from Polish. In 2017, he completed his doctoral studies at the Department of Theatre Studies at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. He has published reviews and critiques in the theatre magazine KoD, SME, Tanci, Monitoring of Slovak Theatres, Salte, RTVS, and Pravda. He is a member of the Slovak Centre of the Association of Theatre Critics. As a theatre critic, he deals with contemporary drama and contemporary dance.
music hudba
Dominik Suchý
Vyštudoval mediálnu a zvukovú komunikáciu na Sonic College v Haderslev v Dánsku av roku 2014 vydal svoju debutovú nahrávku (londýnsky album). Dominik Suchý je polovica dua Tittingur, venuje sa však i sólovej produkcii, ktorá osciluje medzi experimentálom, noisom a brutalistickou elektronikou. Jeho tvorbu nájdete vo WETLSCHMERZEN LABEL.
He studied Media and Sound Communication at Sonic College in Haderslev Denmark and has released his debut recording (london album) in 2014. Dominik Suchý is half of the duo Tittingur, but he also works on solo production, which oscillates between experimental, noise and brutalist electronics. You can find his work in WETLSCHMERZEN LABEL.